Saturday, November 10, 2007

Things fall apart

Megan cheated on me.

I may have mentioned on here a friend she made at work? It was her. She did it the first week I was gone at York. She did it and hid it from me until now. She lied to me when I asked her about it weeks ago (I was suspicious). She allowed us to do an insemination after she slept with this person. I'm in total shock.

Obviously, this blog is not about TTC anymore. It's not about us either, because there isn't an us anymore. I can't believe she did this.

I'm single now.


1 comment:

Stacey said...

OMG!!!! I am in shock too and sooo sorry. Glad she didn't get pregnant last time then because this would be a lot messier. I can't believe it. Obviously she didn't realize that she had an amazing partner. She messed up! So very sorry. :( What's going to happen now with the pets?

You are incredibly strong and you'll get through this. I'm sure it's in your cards to find someone who treats you right and is there for you 100%. But gosh...that really, really bites. :( {{{Hugs}}}