Thursday, June 29, 2006

10 flipping dpici

So we're still waiting. And waiting. And hoping, and wishing, and of course praying, but we're ready to know! We had a faint + on a HPT, but we don't really know what to do with that. It was SO faint we don't know if it's real. It's frustrating to think that things like chemical pregnancies do happen, but I'm just so hopeful. Other than that, not too much to say. The weather is very rainy and stormy and we were lucky enough to get the dogs out before the deluge. Otherwise, I would be a very, very drenched Karisa. More updates soon, and I hope it will be good news!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


So we're now a little over a week into this ordeal and we still feel like things are still looking good. Megan's temperatures took a dip over the weekend (along with some cramping) and now they are up again pretty high, so we're optimistic!

Today we went shopping and got more presents for Melaine, our good friend who will be having a boy this fall. It's nice to be able to shop for someone's baby since it would be a little presumptive to shop for our own at this point! Regardless, I bought a few things for M online today that she was eyeing, but they were on sale, so it's all good :)

This weekend was nice. We hadn't seen Evelyn in a year and it was great to have something else to think about for a few days. We even went to see the Liberty Bell and the outlet mall. Mmmmm shopping :)

Well, that's it for now. I'm enjoying my night off! No more accounting, woo hoo!

Friday, June 23, 2006


Hello out there... we are now 3/4 days past our ICI's and M is having some interesting sensations in the area of her uterus. We're hoping this is a good sign! She's also been pretty nauseated today, so I don't know if that's due to EPF, which is immunosuppressing and could mean she caught a tummy bug, or somatization :P We'll keep cyberspace posted (which is really all this is, being that I haven't given anybody the URL yet)!

This weekend our friend Evelyn is coming up from Baltimore to visit. She's there working at the zoo (she's a vet student) and has a weekend off. It should be great, as we haven't seen her in more than a year.

Back to work...I have an accounting final exam due tomorrow and left work early today, so I need to work on my book chapter as well. Never a dull moment!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Two down, Fourteen to go!

So we just finished our 2nd insemination and Megan is propped upsidey down on the couch. We thought she was still fertile today, so we're hoping that now there's a nice double-dose of swimmers in there and that they'll be able to do their thing. We are officially on Day One of the Two Week Wait, so just two short (yeah, right) weeks until we know of we're pregnant!

Megan had a little "fizzy" feeling today in the morning, but we're trying not to think it means anything (it's too early anyway). We'll keep you posted, though!

Monday, June 19, 2006


Well, we did it! Finally Megan had her LH surge and 12 hours later, we did the insemination! It was a little harder to do than I initially thought it would be, but overall, I think it went well. Tomorrow we have insem #2, and then we're on to the two-week wait! I can't wait to see what happens, but obviously I'm hoping that everything works out okay! Finance class was tonight, but I skived off in order to come home and do the insem. We went out to a nice dinner, took the dogs to the park, and spent some quality time together, so overall, it was a great night.

It's funny, right now Megan is lying with her feet up, just like in the movies! I can't believe we're finally here. We finally did it!!! I'll try to keep up to date on the TWW and let you know if there are any symptoms Megan mentions. She said she won't, but I bet she will if she feels something!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The swim team is here!

Yay for Disney!!! Here we are (Megan on the right, me on the left) at the Animal Kingdom in March. We look so happy and relaxed...thing of the past, huh?

Well, our cryobank woes have resolved! They finally received our wired deposit and paperwork, and we received our Dewar tank of swimmers yesterday! Now we're just waiting for Megan to get her LH surge and we're good to go. The tests appear to be getting stronger by the day, so we're happy about that. I'm so excited now! I feel like finally it's going to happen (which it is, because there is the tank of swimmers sitting locked up in the bathroom). It's funny, my dad said it's like the purple rhino in the living room..."Pay no attention to the purple rhino. We have thrown a blanket over him for your convenience. There is nothing going on." It's almost that funny :P

My new summer job started Monday...I'm working in Health Policy with Dr. David Nash writing a book on health in the 21st century. It's really interesting, to me anyway.

Well, here's fingers crossed for Megan ovulating sometime in the next 24 hours!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Nearing TTC #1

This is the beginning of my great adventure in motherhood. I'm getting there via a different path than partner, Megan, and I decided several months ago that we wanted to start our family, and now we're ready to start!
We are choosing to do at-home ICI for our first try, due to the fact that she's not too fond of doctors and the sperm bank we're using allows specimen release to our home. We've picked out our donor and everything...mostly to match my traits, but also to improve a little bit while we're at it :) He's a professional dancer, which is far more athletic than me, the occasional lap swimmer.
Our conflict of the day is the sperm bank. In their promotional information they said that as long as we filed the appropriate paperwork we wouldn't have to pay the exorbidant deposit on the shipping tank (the dewar), but because Megan is self-employed, they're making us anyway. Sheesh...we know that this whole endeavor is expensive, but we hadn't budgeted for this, you know? Well, we're wiring them the money tomorrow, so hopefully we can order our swimmers, yay!
Back to medical student life for me until tomorrow...finals will be over, and then I get my first weekend in months! And then we get to start trying to conceive! Woot!