Monday, April 09, 2007

It will never end. Really...

We figured today would bring enlightenment and all that, but no such luck. Now there are only 2 measurable follicles (both on the left) and her estrogen is rising, so it looks like ovulation might happen, only with bigger follicles. And really, really late. But we're proceeding with the cycle and have more bloodwork and another ultrasound on Thursday. Hopefully things will keep going in a positive direction and we'll be inseminating by the weekend. Megan and I totally agree, this waiting to wait thing is driving us nuts.
On the bright side, we're having a good time with Nicole :)


Dana Barnett said...

Hey Kathryn,Megan,If you click onto my name it will take you to my other blog site[nightengale]Please come and check it out when you get a chance...

Much Love-Dana.

Dana Barnett said...

Hey,can I get that button!!!????