Friday, March 09, 2007

Serum Progesterone 9.8

So Megan had her progesterone level today (5/6 DPI, and about 5 DPO) and it was 9.8, way better than last month's 6.1! I think that means she had much better ovulation this time, so we're definitely excited. That's the first bit of good news. That and her boobs hurt, but who's keeping track...

Second bit of good news, today was Family Day at school and I went with my dad. We had a really nice time and he got to meet all my friends and their parents. It was nice to take some time off from school and just hang out and be a human being.

Now for the not-so-good news. I'm WAY behind in school and ALL I can think about is baby stuff and my personal academic ineptitude. Great way to go into a test week if you ask me. And I'm hyper-dis tractable so for example when Megan asked me to turn up the volume on the TV, I practically had a panic attack. I'm surely, surely going crazy. But Kiki said I can pass, so pass my test I will. This time, I'm doing it for Fudgie. Yeah, yeah I said it. I am putting my all into classes for 6 days so I can dedicate my performance to my dog. Damn I'm a sad person sometimes.... Oh, and did I mention that I also still have a cold, and I also am taking antihistamines, and I also feel REALLY fat and can't seem to stop eating...great.

I've managed to now study ONE lecture, so I'm taking my blog break. Now back to studying, one more lecture before I get to go to BED!! Toodles.

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