Thursday, June 08, 2006

Nearing TTC #1

This is the beginning of my great adventure in motherhood. I'm getting there via a different path than partner, Megan, and I decided several months ago that we wanted to start our family, and now we're ready to start!
We are choosing to do at-home ICI for our first try, due to the fact that she's not too fond of doctors and the sperm bank we're using allows specimen release to our home. We've picked out our donor and everything...mostly to match my traits, but also to improve a little bit while we're at it :) He's a professional dancer, which is far more athletic than me, the occasional lap swimmer.
Our conflict of the day is the sperm bank. In their promotional information they said that as long as we filed the appropriate paperwork we wouldn't have to pay the exorbidant deposit on the shipping tank (the dewar), but because Megan is self-employed, they're making us anyway. Sheesh...we know that this whole endeavor is expensive, but we hadn't budgeted for this, you know? Well, we're wiring them the money tomorrow, so hopefully we can order our swimmers, yay!
Back to medical student life for me until tomorrow...finals will be over, and then I get my first weekend in months! And then we get to start trying to conceive! Woot!

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