Monday, June 19, 2006


Well, we did it! Finally Megan had her LH surge and 12 hours later, we did the insemination! It was a little harder to do than I initially thought it would be, but overall, I think it went well. Tomorrow we have insem #2, and then we're on to the two-week wait! I can't wait to see what happens, but obviously I'm hoping that everything works out okay! Finance class was tonight, but I skived off in order to come home and do the insem. We went out to a nice dinner, took the dogs to the park, and spent some quality time together, so overall, it was a great night.

It's funny, right now Megan is lying with her feet up, just like in the movies! I can't believe we're finally here. We finally did it!!! I'll try to keep up to date on the TWW and let you know if there are any symptoms Megan mentions. She said she won't, but I bet she will if she feels something!

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