Wednesday, October 03, 2007

This place totally sucks

They had no idea I was coming today, so after getting up at 6 to show up for OR orientation, I find out that they can't do it until Monday, and all I can do today is finish my other orientations, tomorrow I come in and watch cases in the OR (so shadowing, like I did in HS and college), and then come back Monday for my scrub orientation so I can actually hold retractors or whatever I'm supposed to do.

Anyway, this is utterly a waste of time. How could communication be THAT bad? And I could have spent more time with Megan if they didn't want me to REALLY start until Monday. Crap crap crap.

Have I mentioned that I miss Megan. I miss Megan. A lot. Sniffle.

Off to waste another hour before my second orientation.....

1 comment:

Stacey said...

So sorry it's sucky. I hope things get better and time flies. Before you know it, you'll be back home with Megan.